Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Capturing the Essence of Fhtagn

I'm working every spare second I have to finish the piece I'm writing now. It's coming along as quickly as can be expected, and I have every expectation that I'll be done in the three weeks I have.

What's next? Well, my next project centers around the Cthulhu mythos. I knew NOTHING of the entire body of work before conceiving of the project, so I did a little research on the right folks to read (besides the obvious, I mean) and then bought some books.

I'm about halfway through the first collection, and I think I've already boiled the body of work down to its essential tripes:

- non-Euclidean geometry that makes things either hard to see or nausea-inducing
- stuff so old that even the slime on it is older than the oldest thing that was old when the world was born
- things that are evil because they are outside of human morality
- using the word "obscene" to describe things that do not necessarily outrage one's sense of moral decency
- outrageous ignorant bigotry
- exotic, yet not necessarily attractive locations
- really big monsters from space

Man, I can hardly wait to get this baby started!

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