Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Conference Wrap-Up

I had planned to blog the conference a day at a time, but that didn't happen because it was 13+ hours a day for four days, after which I got up at bitch o'clock and boarded a plane for home. I had writing assignments and reading and lots to think about, so blogging just didn't end up happening. Neither did sleeping. And precious little eating (the food was atrocious).

On the other hand, I did a huge amount of learning, and a ton of re-thinking much of what I've already done. While I'm happy with my writing as a whole, I know that I can do better.

Some highlights:

  • Editing seminar with Betty Webb left me with a much more effective method for manuscript editing that I believe will solve many problems

  • Kevin McIlvoy is amazing, both as a writer and as a teacher. His seminar on writing with humor was easily the best I've ever heard.

  • I now have some excellent ideas about how to get my work noticed by agents and publishers.

  • I also have a much better handle on how to make a living as a writer apart from the income generated by just writing books (thanks, Tania Katan!).

  • I met another opera writer who gave me some invaluable advice for completing my libretto and getting my opera put on.

  • The proportion of authors to participants was extremely high, which meant that a lot of the authors were actually students in one lecture or another, which was GREAT! It also meant that they were really available if you wanted to talk to them during breaks.

And some lowlights:
  • The next time I come, I bring my own food.

  • Many of the lectures given by the writers sounded like infomercials for their works.

  • The chairs in the hall where the readings were held were designed by Torquemada.

  • While overall I had a really great experience of the small-group intenstive, when it came to my turn to have my work reviewed, one of the five in our group didn't turn up, and when I looked at the instructor's notes on my MS, they were illegible and therefore worthless.

Overall, this was the best conference I've ever attended in terms of information received for money spent. The caliber of the classes was several steps above that of the Bay Area conferences I've attended, and the authors were all much more helpful.

I'd recommend this one to anyone who's serious about taking their writing to the next level.

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